Igår, söndag, var vi på bio och såg New Moon! Den var bra :) Nu är jag jättesugen på att läsa böckerna!
A cat in farmville!
I just adopted a black kitten in farmville! So cute :)
She's a pretty big kitten, look at her size next to the cows! :P
Well, at least she finally found her friend who hides in my Jack-O-Lantern ;P
She's a pretty big kitten, look at her size next to the cows! :P
Well, at least she finally found her friend who hides in my Jack-O-Lantern ;P
Updated FarmVille table again!
They added flowers in FarmVille, so I added them into my table.
As usual, click to enlarge!
Edit: I just saw that they have added "Ghost Chili" to the seeds section. Maybe as a halloween-seed?
This is the table for Ghost Chili:
I divided it into 2 columns to make the image fit here :)
Voddler - gratis film i datorn!
Har ni hört talas om Voddler?
Det är som Spotify fast för film!
Fick hem en liten reklamlapp i samband med bredbandsbolagets räkning idag.
Jag har naturligtvis inte hunnit få någon invite, så jag kommer inte skriva så mycket mer om själva programmet, dels pga det och för att det redan finns en del information om det på nätet :)
Här kan man till exempel läsa lite mer om programmet:
• www.bredbandsbolaget.se/voddler
• http://rstvideo.com/nyfiken-pa-voddler-sa-har-ser-det-ut/
...eller så googlar man. Det verkar onekligen intressant i alla fall!
Det är som Spotify fast för film!
Fick hem en liten reklamlapp i samband med bredbandsbolagets räkning idag.
Jag har naturligtvis inte hunnit få någon invite, så jag kommer inte skriva så mycket mer om själva programmet, dels pga det och för att det redan finns en del information om det på nätet :)
Här kan man till exempel läsa lite mer om programmet:
• www.bredbandsbolaget.se/voddler
• http://rstvideo.com/nyfiken-pa-voddler-sa-har-ser-det-ut/
...eller så googlar man. Det verkar onekligen intressant i alla fall!
New Farmville table
Heres an updated table for FarmVille!
Click it to view in original size
Edit: Added Asparagus.
Edit2: A friend noticed there was some wrong calculations in the table, so I fixed the codes in Excel, so it should be right now :)
Click it to view in original size
Edit: Added Asparagus.
Edit2: A friend noticed there was some wrong calculations in the table, so I fixed the codes in Excel, so it should be right now :)
Updated FarmVille table
I've updated the FarmVille table!
Added colors for every section to easily see how long growtime each seeds have. Yellow for all under 1 day, turquoise for 1-day, green for 2-day, pink for 3-day and purple for 4-day.
I have also added the two new seeds (with red border).
And the seeds with red at the bottom is still too high level for me, so I can't put the stats for them yet.
Click the image for full size!
Added colors for every section to easily see how long growtime each seeds have. Yellow for all under 1 day, turquoise for 1-day, green for 2-day, pink for 3-day and purple for 4-day.
I have also added the two new seeds (with red border).
And the seeds with red at the bottom is still too high level for me, so I can't put the stats for them yet.
Click the image for full size!
Nu tänkte jag blogga lite om det växande Facebook-spelet Farmville! Jag tänker skriva detta inlägg på engelska eftersom folk från hela världen spelar :)
I am going to write about the growing Facebook game FarmVille! I choose to write this in english since people from all over the world play this game :)
I can't really remember when I started playing FarmVille... According to my old Facebook Wall posts, I started playing July 2! So I guess I have been playing this game for 2 months! Wow...
I have managed to get to level 32, and I guess in a couple of days I'll be 33.
This is a really fun and addictive game! If you never tried it, do it! If you're not afraid to be addicted of course ;)
What you do is you plow your land, plant seeds, harvest them and make money. You can also plant fully grown trees and animals on your farm, and make profit from them also. When you have earned some money you can put buildings on your farm... Barns, tool sheds, workshops, cottages, Farm houses and many more. The higher level you get, the more options you get! There is also a large amount of decorations and other fun stuff!
For 30,000 coins you can buy your first vehicle (they cost 30,000 each)! There is 3 different vehicles; a tractor that plows your land faster, a harvester that harvests your crops faster and a seeder that plants seeds faster. The big disadvantage though, is that all these vehicles uses the same tank, so your fuel level will drop very fast. You can plow/seed/harvest a total of 150 crops with one tank. The tank fills up automatically, but it's slow. If you want to fill the tank up faster you have to buy fuel, but it costs Farm Cash (not Farm coins) that you have to pay for to get (I'm talking about real money!)
The two different currencies in FarmVille is Farm Cash and Farm Coins. When you harvest your crops you get Farm Coins. This is the main currency that you buy new stuff with. But there is also Farm Cash, a more rare currency. You can buy stuff with these too, but to get more Farm Cash you have to buy them with real money. You can also get a very small amount of farm Cash (1 cash at a time) for free, but I haven't really figured out how. A friend of mine told me you get 1 farm cash per X amount of farm coins you make, but she wasn't really sure if that was the case and if it was the case, what amount it was.
I have created a table in Excel to see which plants are the most profitable. Here it is:
Click it to see it in full size!
The big blue field shows all plants that have a shorter than 24 hours grow time. The darker blue is highlighted (Tomatoes) because it is the most profitable in that blue field.
0,085 = 2 hours
0,17 = 4 hours
0,25 = 6 hours
0,33 = 8 hours
0,5 = 12 hours
0,67 = 16 hours
The numbers framed with red are what you should look at in this table - it tells you how much money you can make from one (1) crop in 30 days. Imagine if you have 150 crops or more!
The red highlighted row (Red Wheat) is the most profitable plant of all, at level 32. At the moment there is 3 more plants than this table shows (Yellow Melon, Onion and Broccoli), but I can't buy them before I get to level 33, 34 and 35... So unfortunately I can't put them in the table yet! ( I have a friend who is level 41, I could ask him later).
From time to time, you will get messages in-game that tells you that a lost animal has wandered off onto your property. I have encountered brown cows and black sheeps. These animals are rare, because you can't buy them. The only way to get them is to adopt them from someone that has found them, and posted it to their Facebook profile. Only one person can adopt someones lost animal (although they seems to be a bit bugged, sometimes planty of people can adopt the same animal). You can't adopt your own lost animal.
People who doesn't play FarmVille often get frustrated over these lost animals, since they are published to the home page of Facebook - and when you have a lot of friends (who play FarmVille) you will see this spammed many times :P But hey, you can block applications ;)
I could probably find more to talk about FarmVille, but I feel like this is enough for now! If I forgot something important, please do tell :)
I am going to write about the growing Facebook game FarmVille! I choose to write this in english since people from all over the world play this game :)
I can't really remember when I started playing FarmVille... According to my old Facebook Wall posts, I started playing July 2! So I guess I have been playing this game for 2 months! Wow...
I have managed to get to level 32, and I guess in a couple of days I'll be 33.
This is a really fun and addictive game! If you never tried it, do it! If you're not afraid to be addicted of course ;)
What you do is you plow your land, plant seeds, harvest them and make money. You can also plant fully grown trees and animals on your farm, and make profit from them also. When you have earned some money you can put buildings on your farm... Barns, tool sheds, workshops, cottages, Farm houses and many more. The higher level you get, the more options you get! There is also a large amount of decorations and other fun stuff!
For 30,000 coins you can buy your first vehicle (they cost 30,000 each)! There is 3 different vehicles; a tractor that plows your land faster, a harvester that harvests your crops faster and a seeder that plants seeds faster. The big disadvantage though, is that all these vehicles uses the same tank, so your fuel level will drop very fast. You can plow/seed/harvest a total of 150 crops with one tank. The tank fills up automatically, but it's slow. If you want to fill the tank up faster you have to buy fuel, but it costs Farm Cash (not Farm coins) that you have to pay for to get (I'm talking about real money!)
The two different currencies in FarmVille is Farm Cash and Farm Coins. When you harvest your crops you get Farm Coins. This is the main currency that you buy new stuff with. But there is also Farm Cash, a more rare currency. You can buy stuff with these too, but to get more Farm Cash you have to buy them with real money. You can also get a very small amount of farm Cash (1 cash at a time) for free, but I haven't really figured out how. A friend of mine told me you get 1 farm cash per X amount of farm coins you make, but she wasn't really sure if that was the case and if it was the case, what amount it was.
I have created a table in Excel to see which plants are the most profitable. Here it is:
Click it to see it in full size!
The big blue field shows all plants that have a shorter than 24 hours grow time. The darker blue is highlighted (Tomatoes) because it is the most profitable in that blue field.
0,085 = 2 hours
0,17 = 4 hours
0,25 = 6 hours
0,33 = 8 hours
0,5 = 12 hours
0,67 = 16 hours
The numbers framed with red are what you should look at in this table - it tells you how much money you can make from one (1) crop in 30 days. Imagine if you have 150 crops or more!
The red highlighted row (Red Wheat) is the most profitable plant of all, at level 32. At the moment there is 3 more plants than this table shows (Yellow Melon, Onion and Broccoli), but I can't buy them before I get to level 33, 34 and 35... So unfortunately I can't put them in the table yet! ( I have a friend who is level 41, I could ask him later).
From time to time, you will get messages in-game that tells you that a lost animal has wandered off onto your property. I have encountered brown cows and black sheeps. These animals are rare, because you can't buy them. The only way to get them is to adopt them from someone that has found them, and posted it to their Facebook profile. Only one person can adopt someones lost animal (although they seems to be a bit bugged, sometimes planty of people can adopt the same animal). You can't adopt your own lost animal.
People who doesn't play FarmVille often get frustrated over these lost animals, since they are published to the home page of Facebook - and when you have a lot of friends (who play FarmVille) you will see this spammed many times :P But hey, you can block applications ;)
I could probably find more to talk about FarmVille, but I feel like this is enough for now! If I forgot something important, please do tell :)
Jag tänkte först skriva en recension, men insåg att jag suger på det. Dessutom känns det som att man avslöjar för mycket av filmen då. Men jag såg i alla fall filmen Changeling alldeles nyss. Den handlar om Christine Collins (Angelina Jolie) som förlorar sin son. Han försvinner en dag.
Polisen återfinner hennes son efter 5 månader, men när de återförenas så är det inte hennes son, det är någon annan pojke. Polisen håller inte med och tvingar henne att ta hand om pojken, eftersom det enligt dem är hennes son.
Christine kämpar för att få tillbaka sin riktiga son, och går ut publikt med sin historia, men blir då satt på psyket i stället.
Det är en väldigt hemsk situation hon hamnar i och filmen är dessutom baserad på en sann historia.
Jag tyckte den var superbra så den får hela 5 mushis utav 5 möjliga av mig! :D
Däremot måste jag få påpeka att Angelina Jolie har blivit otroligt smal, alldeles för smal enligt mitt tycke! Tänkte på det genom hela filmen, och störde mig på hur otroligt lite fett på kroppen hon hade. Hoppas hon mår bra i alla fall.
Polisen återfinner hennes son efter 5 månader, men när de återförenas så är det inte hennes son, det är någon annan pojke. Polisen håller inte med och tvingar henne att ta hand om pojken, eftersom det enligt dem är hennes son.
Christine kämpar för att få tillbaka sin riktiga son, och går ut publikt med sin historia, men blir då satt på psyket i stället.
Det är en väldigt hemsk situation hon hamnar i och filmen är dessutom baserad på en sann historia.
Jag tyckte den var superbra så den får hela 5 mushis utav 5 möjliga av mig! :D
Däremot måste jag få påpeka att Angelina Jolie har blivit otroligt smal, alldeles för smal enligt mitt tycke! Tänkte på det genom hela filmen, och störde mig på hur otroligt lite fett på kroppen hon hade. Hoppas hon mår bra i alla fall.
Mihihihihiiii, problemet löst!
Vi kom till kön utanför Game vid midnatt, och vi fick köa i 1h 50min för att få köpa spelet! 1000 personer hade tydligern förhandsbokat det. Jag visste inte att så många i lilla Eskilstuna spelar, och hade verkligen inte räknat med så lång kö!
Men nu så :D
W00t! Jag ska åka till Lanzarote imorrn tidigt på morgonen fick jag nyligen veta o_O
Lika som bär?
Jag tycker att Rachel Griffiths (från bl.a. Six Feet Under) och Juliette Lewis (från bl.a. From Dusk Till Dawn) är rätt lika... Fast inte när man jämför dem sida vid sida! :P
Och så tycker jag Helen Hunt (från bl.a. What Womwn Want) och Leelee Sobieski (från bl.a. Eyes Wide Shut) också är lika.
Och så tycker jag Helen Hunt (från bl.a. What Womwn Want) och Leelee Sobieski (från bl.a. Eyes Wide Shut) också är lika.
Tänk om...
... tänk om man skulle kasta en cigarettfimp i en vattenpöl.. och så har en bil läckt bensin i vattenpölen. Då kommer det börja brinna.
... tänk om man skulle lyssna på en och samma låt under en hel dag när man är ensam hemma? Undrar vad som skulle hända då?
... tänk om man skulle lyssna på en och samma låt under en hel dag när man är ensam hemma? Undrar vad som skulle hända då?
Silent Hill
Alltså, jag blir arg.
HUR kan det vara möjligt att Silent Hill bara går i Stockholm, Hudiksvall och Skellefteå nu?
Visst att den kanske slutat gå på vissa biografer, men seriöst! 3 städer kvar?!
Jag ångrar väldigt mycket att vi inte stannade i Stockholm efter kryssningen. Visserligen hade vi fått vänta i flera timmar, men vi kunde ha gått och sett Silent Hill gratis och utan problem! (Om de tar såna biografcheckar i Sthlm, men det tror jag väl?)
Åååhhh jag vill se den nu!
Inte konstigt att folk laddar ner saker, bland annat filmer, när det är så dåligt här i Sverige, att man inte ens kan få njuta av att se en film på bio! Och hallå, Silent hill 3 & 4 (spelen) kom ju ut först i Sverige , enligt Chrille i alla fall.... Bara för att det är så populärt?! Jaha, men om Silent Hill-spelen är så populära så borde de väl tycka att Silent Hill filmen ska visas i större utsträckning, och gjort massa reklam om den?
Alltså jag fattar inte...
Jag blir bara så arg.
Någon som vill betala buss/tågbiljetterna till Stockholm så att vi kan se Silent Hill?